The Communicator

ISSN: Forthcoming

"Our Mission" by Founding Editor

The Communicator is a platform for communication scholars across the world, with a special emphasis on providing opportunities for scholars in South Asia who are frequently deprived of enough international exposure.

In many parts of the World, including in South Asia, "communication," often is still not considered as a 'discipline.' Instead, it is 'used' by other 'mainstream' disciplines to serve their promotional purpose.

It's time that communication scholars unitedly demonstrate their strength as a discipline, especially in South Asia where the STEM disciplines often get more attention, opportunities and institutional support in the form of research funding. In many parts of the World, for instance in India, there is not even a research board on communication in the Indian government which can authorise funds for communication research.

Scholarship in communication is enriched by its interdisciplinary approach - strengthening the discipline itself and other disciplines connected to research in communication. We will strive to celebrate this interdisciplinarity of the field.

It is with these aims - exploring more opportunities and to develop more of its own independent methodologies - that The Communicator has been launched.

The e-journal will be published by an international association called The Communicator which was launched in Kolkata, India, in 2022. The e-journal is hosted by Sister Nivedita University in Kolkata, India, and supported by Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, USA. The journal will celebrate the fundamental inter-disciplinary nature of the study of human communication in its many manifestations.

There will be two publications of the journal within a 12-month period against a call for papers. Each issue will invite a set of guest editors who will coordinate the publication of the issue.

The journal is overseen by an Advisory Board composed of leading academics within the media academic fraternity and selected by the trustees of the association. The Advisory Board will also include the Vice Chancellor of SNU and initially the Chair of the Department of Communication of Wake Forest University. The role of the Advisory Board is to work with the Executive Editors and the Editorial Board of the journal to ensure that the journal retains the quality and prestige to attract the best scholarship and research.

The journal is operated by a set of Executive Editors appointed by the trustees of the association. Executive Editors have the responsibility of overseeing the operations of the journal.

The Executive Editors are supported by a team of Editorial Coordinators selected by the trustees of the association and the Executive Editors. The Editorial Coordinators do the work required to operate the journal. This work includes, but is not limited to, the coordination of the call for papers, managing the manuscripts, ensuring timely double-blind review of the manuscripts and shepherding each issue to its final publication. The Editorial Coordinators will be the primary point of contact with the Editorial Board of the journal.

The Editorial Board is composed of an international academic leadership in the disciplines of communication, mass media and related disciplines. Members will have the responsibility of offering blind reviews of anonymized manuscripts for publication consideration for the journal.

About the Journal